I faced a pleasant dilemma yesterday. My son has purchased and set up a router, replacing the oddly-malfunctioning one. That gives me access to ‘Catholic Citizen’s’ website.
I could go back to my ‘Friday and Sunday posts’ writing routine. I enjoy that process, but I also enjoy having more unstructured time.
That’s let me get started on non-research reading and several long-dormant activities. One of those is writing a book-length text, which has not passed from ‘I really should’ to getting words on paper. It’s actually ‘saved to file.’ You get the idea.
“American by Birth, Catholic by Choice” is the working title. My current intention is looking at why I thought becoming a Catholic made sense. I’ve already wandered into Macedonian, Roman and Byzantine history, so where I end up is anyone’s guess.
So: the old two-posts-a-week schedule is still ‘on hold.’ I’m writing new material for this blog, which will come at irregular intervals. The first of these is in process, and will be ready — whenever it’s ready: a declaration that’s as uninformative as it is vague.
As usual, here’s more of my stuff:
- Webcam
Live, from my corner of small town America - “In Conference, Out to Lunch, Gone Fishing, Whatever: I’m Taking a ‘Break’”
(March 26, 2016) - “Technical Issue March 26, 2018”
(March 26, 2016) - “Evolution and Tools”
(March 26, 2016) - “Murders, Life and Death”
(March 19, 2018)