Starting at 10:00 this morning, I’ll be watching NASA Live’s coverage of the rescheduled Demo-2 launch.
That’s 10:00 this morning in Minnesota. It’ll be 15:00 UTC.
The launch itself will, if all goes well and weather permits, be at 2:22 this afternoon. That’s 19:22 UTC, if I’m doing my figuring right.
I embedded NASA Live’s YouTube video in this post.
Partly so I can find it easily. And partly because maybe you’d like to watch launch coverage here. Or maybe you’d prefer getting closer to the source:
- NASA Live - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
Normally, this is where I’d talk about the Demo-2 mission, SpaceX Dragon, or whatever other vaguely-relate topics ambled through my mind. But I did that yesterday.
And now, the inevitable links to somewhat-related posts:
- “Another Small Step: Demo-2”
(May 29, 2020) - “‘One Small Step’ in a Long Journey”
(July 20, 2019) - “Apollo 11, 50 Years Later”
(July 16, 2019) - “Commercial Spaceflight: Another Step”
(March 8, 2019) - “Mars and Beyond”
(February 16, 2018) - “Europa, Mars, and Someday the Stars”
(September 30, 2016)