Recapping what I said week before last: our number-two daughter has cancer, but our granddaughter’s left arm has healed nicely. I’m still feeling blank, emotionally.
As I said then:
“…how do I feel about one of our children having cancer?
“That’s a good question.
“I’m pretty sure I’m worried, but it’s hard to tell.
I’d say that I feel numb, but that’d be a step up. It’s more like I feel blank, emotionally. That’s a bit unsettling; or would be: if I hadn’t experienced unpleasant emotions, and their oxymoronic — it’s a real word, look it up! — absence, before….”
She’s had one operation, which removed a cancerous salivary gland. Or most of it, at any rate. This week — tomorrow — she’ll have another operation, removing more dubious tissue. After that, I understand, comes radiation therapy.
Again, I’m pretty sure I’m worried. Partly because I’m having a harder-than-usual time focusing on tasks-at-hand.
The situation could be much worse. Number-two daughter, son-in-law, granddaughter and all are handing the unpleasant news very well. Medicos have learned a great deal about cancer and how to treat it, since my youth.
Meanwhile, here in Sauk Centre, there’s not much I can do to help: apart from praying, which I’ve been doing. So I’ll keep doing that, and see what I can do about getting a post ready by Saturday.
I’ve talked about this sort of thing before, and probably will again:
- “Cancer in the Family“
(January 27, 2024) - “May 13, 2023: It’s Been an Interesting Week“
(“Life Happens, and That’s Okay”)
(May 13, 2023) - “This Week: Sunshine, Blue Skies and an Echocardiogram“
(July 16, 2022) - “In Praise of Lilacs, Blue Sky and Rain“
(May 29, 2021) - “Another Trip to the Emergency Room“
(May 15, 2021)