Weekly Schedule
Something new each Saturday.
Life, the universe and my circumstances permitting.
I'm focusing on 'family stories' at the moment. ("A Change of Pace: Family Stories" (11/23/2024))- Category: Family Stories
But if something else caught and held my interest during the week, that's what I'll share.
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Categories List
- Being a Citizen (55)
- Being a Writer (46)
- Being an Artist (16)
- Being Catholic (277)
- Book Reviews (2)
- Discursive Detours (289)
- Journal (248)
- Reflections (13)
- Science News (185)
- Series (107)
- A Tale of Two Churches: St. Peter's, Rome (1)
- Back to the Moon, Onward to Mars (7)
- Creativity (27)
- Diamonds and Gems (3)
- Exoplanets and Aliens (23)
- Family Stories (31)
- Golden Ages (7)
- Marlowe's Faustus (8)
Who I am, briefly
Brian H. Gill
I was born in 1951. I'm a husband, father and grandfather. One of the kids graduated from college in December, 2008, and is helping her husband run businesses and raise my granddaughter; another is a cartoonist and artist; #3 daughter is a writer; my son is developing a digital game with #3 and #1 daughters. I'm also a writer and artist.
I'm Aluwir on X / Twitter
Current Time, UTC
- I live in Minnesota, in America's Central Time Zone. This blog is on UTC/Greenwich time.
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More Perspectives From the Catholic Laity:
- Blog - David Torkington
Spiritual theologian, author and speaker, specializing in prayer, Christian spirituality and mystical theology
[the kind that makes sense-BHG] - The Curt Jester
(Jeff Miller)
Punditry, Prayer, Parody, Polemics, Puns from a Papist Perspective - If I Might Interject
One Catholic tries to interject the Perspective of the Church - Sparrowfare (peggyhaslar.com)
(Peggy Haslar)
Seed-Searches among the Stones - A Song of Joy by Caroline Furlong
Writing for Joy
[more "a writer who is Catholic", than a "Catholic Writer"-BHG] - tiberjudy
Happy. Southern. Catholic. - Time for Reflections
(Victor S. E. Moubarak)
Ubi caritas et amor. Deus ibi est.
(Where [there is] charity and love. God is there.)
- Blog - David Torkington
Norski's Shop
Brian H. Gill's online art store: Opening when I get my ducks in a row. ;)
Posters, printsACWB Contributor
Tag Archives: Saints
Saints, Depression, Assumptions, and Me
I did a Google search for [patron saint depression] the other day, and got this gem: “How did the Saints deal with depression?”[redacted][August 2023] “There is no evidence they had depression, they lived in faith, that Everything is controlled by … Continue reading
St. Patrick’s Day: Shamrocks, Saints, Leprechauns, and Me
St. Patrick’s Day is a public holiday in Ireland (Republic of and Northern), Newfoundland, Labrador, and Montserrat. It’s a day when folks wear something green. I’ve heard that some even drink green beer. Why anyone would think green beer is … Continue reading
My Church in Sauk Centre, Minnesota: Vandalized
First, the good news. As far as I know, nobody got hurt during last weekend’s incident. That much I could tell from what wasn’t in a metro area station’s news item. “Charges: ‘Very intoxicated’ man admits to vandalism at Sauk … Continue reading
St. Jude, Judas Thaddaeus: Patron Saint of Desperate Cases
(From Farragutful, via Wikipedia, used w/o permission.)(Interior of St. Jude the Apostle Cathedral, St. Petersburg, Florida.) One thing’s certain. Well, actually, quite a few things are certain. Something that’s certain about Saint Jude the Apostle is that he’s not Judas … Continue reading