Weekly Schedule
Something new each Saturday.
Life, the universe and my circumstances permitting.
I'm focusing on 'family stories' at the moment. ("A Change of Pace: Family Stories" (11/23/2024))- Category: Family Stories
But if something else caught and held my interest during the week, that's what I'll share.
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Categories List
- Being a Citizen (55)
- Being a Writer (46)
- Being an Artist (16)
- Being Catholic (277)
- Book Reviews (2)
- Discursive Detours (289)
- Journal (248)
- Reflections (13)
- Science News (185)
- Series (107)
- A Tale of Two Churches: St. Peter's, Rome (1)
- Back to the Moon, Onward to Mars (7)
- Creativity (27)
- Diamonds and Gems (3)
- Exoplanets and Aliens (23)
- Family Stories (31)
- Golden Ages (7)
- Marlowe's Faustus (8)
Who I am, briefly
Brian H. Gill
I was born in 1951. I'm a husband, father and grandfather. One of the kids graduated from college in December, 2008, and is helping her husband run businesses and raise my granddaughter; another is a cartoonist and artist; #3 daughter is a writer; my son is developing a digital game with #3 and #1 daughters. I'm also a writer and artist.
I'm Aluwir on X / Twitter
Current Time, UTC
- I live in Minnesota, in America's Central Time Zone. This blog is on UTC/Greenwich time.
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More Perspectives From the Catholic Laity:
- Blog - David Torkington
Spiritual theologian, author and speaker, specializing in prayer, Christian spirituality and mystical theology
[the kind that makes sense-BHG] - The Curt Jester
(Jeff Miller)
Punditry, Prayer, Parody, Polemics, Puns from a Papist Perspective - If I Might Interject
One Catholic tries to interject the Perspective of the Church - Sparrowfare (peggyhaslar.com)
(Peggy Haslar)
Seed-Searches among the Stones - A Song of Joy by Caroline Furlong
Writing for Joy
[more "a writer who is Catholic", than a "Catholic Writer"-BHG] - tiberjudy
Happy. Southern. Catholic. - Time for Reflections
(Victor S. E. Moubarak)
Ubi caritas et amor. Deus ibi est.
(Where [there is] charity and love. God is there.)
- Blog - David Torkington
Norski's Shop
Brian H. Gill's online art store: Opening when I get my ducks in a row. ;)
Posters, printsACWB Contributor
Tag Archives: Independence Day
Independence Day, 2024: America and Context, a Short Ramble
“A False Alarm on the Fourth” Udo Keppler, Puck. (1902)“Uncle Sam — It’s all right! There’s no fighting!The noise you hear is just my family celebrating!” I like that double-page cartoon by Udo Keppler. And I like his image of … Continue reading
Independence Day: Freedom, Citizenship and Looking Ahead
I like being an American. There. I’ve said it. I like living in a country where freedom of speech is part of our heritage. And where freedom of expression extends even to folks whose ideas aren’t approved by The Establishment’s … Continue reading
Independence Day: America and Acting Like Love Matters
(From Balon Greyjoy, via Wikimedia Commons, used w/o permission.)(Prometheus sculpture for Rockefeller Center’s lower plaza. (Paul Manship, 1934)) It’s been 246 years since a bunch of disgruntled colonists decided that they’d had enough of transatlantic micromanagement. There’s more behind the … Continue reading
Fourth of July, and Both Kinds at Mass! Whee!
I heard the occasional snap-crackle-boom of fireworks last night. Someone in the neighborhood, I’m guessing. Sauk Centre’s municipal fireworks show is usually during Sinclair Lewis Days. I don’t know if that’ll happen this year, what with the drought. And the … Continue reading
Alabaster Cities, Fireworks, a Condo Disaster and Tears
Patriotism comes in many flavors: cheesy, sour, salty: and that’s enough ‘flavor.’ Maybe too much. My country’s Independence Day celebration, our Fourth of July, started me thinking about patriotism. Also screwball notions, drought and Florida’s pancaked condo. But mostly, the … Continue reading