That’s what my webcam saw on the afternoon of April 13, 2018.
That’s not a typo. It was April, and we had snow on the ground.
That was then, this is now. We’ve got a little snow in sheltered and shady places, and still-brown grass elsewhere.
Along with the usual concrete and and asphalt. We do have paved roads up here, and that’s almost another topic.
I spent a few minutes this afternoon sitting on the front stoop, with a John Dickson Carr mystery. Today’s the official start of spring, it wasn’t quite too cool and windy, and I enjoy my time there.
Fire Weather and Snow in the Forecast
But this is Minnesota. Within a hundred miles of my town, neighbors are and will be experiencing “fire weather conditions,” followed by snow.
“Hazardous Weather Outlook
National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN
439 AM CDT Sat Mar 20 2021“…This Hazardous Weather Outlook is for portions of central and
southern Minnesota, and west central Wisconsin.“.DAY ONE…Today and Tonight….
“…Elevated fire weather conditions are expected today across parts of central and east central Minnesota and western Wisconsin as in addition to the winds, afternoon relative humidities will fall to between 20 and 35 percent.
“.DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN…Sunday through Friday.
Accumulating snow is possible across a portion of the area from Tuesday into Wednesday. There is significant uncertainty at this time, but there is some potential for plowable snow from west central into central Minnesota from Tuesday into Wednesday as a storm system tracks across the region….
“…SKYWARN spotter activation will not be needed.”
(Watches, Warnings & Advisories, Sauk Centre Municipal Airport (KD39), National Weather Service (March 20, 2021))
As the Weather Service said, our spotters needn’t be ready for deployment. This is Minnesota. It’s the first weekend in spring, so keeping an eye out for fire, rain and snow is par for the course.
Minnesota’s weather is many things, but boring it’s not. I love it here:
- Webcam: Sauk Centre MN
- “Texas Power Failure: Winter Storm Uri (and Minnesota)”
(February 27, 2021) - “The Winter Storm Continues, But Not Here”
(January 15, 2021) - “Dreary Outside, Self-Isolating Inside”
(March 28, 2020) - “Minnesota in the Springtime”
(April 14, 2018)
Is it my imagination or are the seasons moving dates? For instance winter seems to be later each year and consequently the other seasons. I have noticed this by studying the electricity usage in our house and when the heating system is on.
God bless.
Good question. There do seem to be long-period climate/weather cycles – which may become more well-researched, now that we have a growing body of daily/annual weather data.