UPDATE August 23, 2023 12:50 UTC
SUCCESS! India is now the fourth nation to successfully land on the Moon, and the first to successfully land near the Moon’s south pole.

Vikram, the Chandrayaan-3 mission’s lander, will, if all goes well, touch down near the Moon’s south pole today: Wednesday, August 23, 2023.
A successful landing will make India one of four spacefaring nations with a presence on the Lunar surface.
The lander will start its powered descent —
- This morning
- Around noon
- This afternoon
The time of day depends on where you are. For me, it’ll be early Wednesday morning.
That’s why I’ve embedded an ISRO YouTube video in this post: so I’ll have something queued up and ready to view. That’s assuming I wake up in time.
ISRO’s telecast starts, I gather, at 17:20 IST (India Standard Time). That’s 11:50 UTC, 6:50 a.m. here in central Minnesota: assuming I’ve done the time conversions right, which is a big assumption.
And in case the YouTube stream doesn’t work, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) says their telecast will be available elsewhere.
Chandrayaan-3: a Very Quick Overview
Chandrayaan-3 is mostly a technology demonstration/test, but includes several science payloads.
ISRO has upgraded their Vikram lander since the Chandrayaan-2 mission, so there’s a good chance for a successful touch down near the Moon’s south pole. The next step will be deploying and testing ISRO’s Lunar rover, Pragyan.
I think those are their names, but ISRO used the same names for its Chandrayaan-2 mission, back in 2019.
So it’s possible that Vikram and Pragyan are series names, like “Mustang” for a line of Ford sports cars. Or should that be nameplate? And I’ve long since drifted off-topic.
I plan on taking a longer look at the Chandrayaan-3 mission in Saturday’s post.
Including, if I can find more material, something about what ISRO calls the Lander Hazard Detection & Avoidance Camera and Processing Algorithm and an NGC (Navigation, Guidance & Control) system.
In non-geek-speak, the Chandrayaan-3 mission has a smart lander.
The Times of India has a pretty good article about what the Vikram lander will be doing during descent and landing.
I put a link to that, and other resources, in this post’s footnote.1
Whatever happens today, the Chandrayaan-3 mission has already had significant success. For one thing, Vikram contacted the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter.

“‘Welcome, buddy!’ — Contact established between Chandrayaan-2 orbiter and Chandrayaan-3 lander module“
PTI, The Tribune (August 21, 2023)“ISRO on Monday said a two-way communication between the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter and Chandrayaan-3’s Lunar Module has been established.
“‘Welcome, buddy!’ Ch-2 orbiter formally welcomed Ch-3 LM. Two-way communication between the two is established. MOX has now more routes to reach the LM, the national space agency said in a post on ‘X’.
“ISRO said on Sunday the lander module of Chandrayaan-3, the third lunar mission of India, is expected to touch down on the surface of the Moon around 6.04 pm on August 23….”
And that’s all I have today. Like I said, I’ll be back with more Saturday.
Meanwhile, here’s how I see humanity’s exploration of our neighborhood:
- “International Space Station: Seven More Years“
(May 6, 2023 ) - “Commercial Space Services and Changing Times“
(April 29, 2023) - “Snow Cruiser, Moon Buggies, Mars Tractors“
(March 4, 2023) - “Single Stage to Orbit, Eventually“
(December 17, 2022) - “GSLV, Rocket Lab: Looking Good“
(June 9, 2017)
1 India and Lunar exploration:
- Wikipedia
- “Chandrayaan-3: This is how Vikram will decide lunar landing“
The Times of India (August 22, 2023) - “Chandrayaan-3: India’s lunar lander Vikram searches for safe Moon landing spot“
Geeta Pandey, BBC News (August 21, 2023) - NASA
- Chandrayaan 3, Chandrayaan 3 – NASA – NSSDCA – Spacecraft – Details (updated August 22, 2023)
- Chandrayaan-3 Launches to the Moon (July 19, 2023
- Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrscope (LIBS), NSSDCA (July 12, 2023)
- Chandrayaan-3: details, updated
- Chandrayaan-3 Mission: The moon, as seen by Lander Imager Camera 1 on August 17, 2023 (August 17, 2023
- GSLV MkIII-M1 Successfully Launches Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft, press release (July 22, 2019)
- Chandrayaan-3
- LIVE telecast of Chandrayaan-3 Soft-landing
- LVM3-M4/Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission brochure, pdf