Brian H. Gill's Current Blog
Following Catholic beliefs
and practices in America: one man's experience
Brian H. Gill's First Website
Brendan's Island
Small town America through one dad's eyes
Created June 4, 1997
Brian H. Gill's Old Blogger ( Blogs
A Catholic
Citizen in America
Following Catholic beliefs
and practices in America: one man's experience
Through One Dad's Eye Raising a family,
blogging, and building websites in small town America
My World
War-on-Terror Blog A view of the war on terrorism, by a former
historian and English teacher living in outstate Minnesota
Lemming of the North Micro-reviews, plus the occasional rant,
daily: Technical difficulties, the nature of the universe, and whim
Easy Griller
Grilling year-round with simple equipment and almost no skill
Sauk Centre Journal
Small town life, the way it is in this central Minnesota town
Town America: Minnesota A Webcam's blog From the heart of darkest
Minnesota: my view of small town America Fiction
Drifting at the Edge of Time and Space
Notes and ruminations of a writer, recapturing traces of a
decades-old dream
Loonfoot Falls
Small town life, the way it never was
Narcissus-X A
blog entirely devoted to the Narcissus-X blog and Narcissis-X, the
blogger who blogs on Narcissus-X, about Narcissus-XBusiness
Starting a Small
Business Without Losing My Mind The continuing adventure of publishing online.... Or, getting laid off for fun and profit |
Good Ideas, In Their Day:
Easy Griller
I'm not lazy: I'm efficient!
Loonfoot Falls
Small towns were never quite like this
Minnesota for Web-Wise Travelers
Destinations and Diversions in Minnesota