Back to default.htm Older images are in DefaultCatholic48.htm, DefaultCatholic47.htm, DefaultCatholic46.htm, DefaultCatholic45.htm, DefaultCatholic44.htm, DefaultCatholic43.htm, DefaultCatholic42.htm, DefaultCatholic41.htm, DefaultCatholic40.htm, DefaultCatholic39.htm, DefaultCatholic38.htm, DefaultCatholic37.htm, DefaultCatholic36.htm, DefaultCatholic35.htm, DefaultCatholic34.htm, DefaultCatholic33.htm, DefaultCatholic32.htm, DefaultCatholic31.htm, DefaultCatholic30.htm, DefaultCatholic29.htm, DefaultCatholic28.htm, DefaultCatholic27.htm, DefaultCatholic26.htm, DefaultCatholic25.htm, DefaultCatholic24.htm, DefaultCatholic23.htm, DefaultCatholic22.htm, DefaultCatholic21.htm, DefaultCatholic20.htm, DefaultCatholic19.htm, DefaultCatholic18.htm, DefaultCatholic17.htm, DefaultCatholic16.htm, DefaultCatholic15.htm, DefaultCatholic14.htm, DefaultCatholic13.htm, DefaultCatholic12.htm, DefaultCatholic11.htm, DefaultCatholic10.htm, DefaultCatholic09.htm DefaultCatholic08.htm, DefaultCatholic07.htm, DefaultCatholic06.htm, DefaultCatholic05.htm, DefaultCatholic04.htm, DefaultCatholic03.htm, DefaultCatholic02.htmDefaultCatholic01.htm

from Nov. 12, 2023 see "This 15th-century medical manuscript shows different colors of urine alongside the ailments they signify. Cambridge University Libraries"

from Nov. 11, 2023 cartoon by Ramirez and photos/caricatures by Ramirez comparison collage

from Nov. 14, 2023 ("Fire" from another source, technical issues getting the LOC image) Herb Block political cartoons: Above: "Fire!" (June 17, 1949) Washington Post /
Right: "You read books, eh?" (April 24, 1949) Washington Post

from Nov. 14, 2023 "One of the lesser known facts about ancient people in Pompeii is that they were really, really into doodling. So into doodling, that they regularly scratched doodles into the walls of pretty much everything: public buildings like temples or theaters, latrines, brothels, tombs, and even the elaborately frescoed walls of elite villas. One of these doodles is thought to be among the first known caricatures. It shows the profile of Mr. Magoo's ancestor, below the helpful label 'Rufus est,' which translates to…'This is Rufus.'" ;) caricature "...on the wall of the atrium of the Villa of the Mysteries, one of the most luxurious residences in Pompeii. Any archaeologist who tells you that they know what this is all about is lying to you...."

from Nov. 15, 2023 (from another source, technical issues getting the LOC image) Herb Block political cartoon: "Say, what ever happened to 'freedom-from-fear'?" (August 13, 1951) Washington Post

from Nov. 16, 2023 "The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Tyler, Texas, USA"

from Nov. 16, 2023 Herb Block political cartoon: "Say, what ever happened to 'freedom-from-fear'?" (August 13, 1951) Washington Post - (LOC Captions:
'It's okay – We're hunting Communists,' October 31, 1947. Ink, graphite, and opaque white over graphite underdrawing on layered paper. Published in the Washington Post (18) LC-USZ62-127327
'I have here in my hand. . .,' May 7, 1954. Ink, graphite, opaque white, and overlay over graphite underdrawing on layered paper. Published in the Washington Post (34) LC-USZ62-126910
'Stand fast, men--They're armed with marshmallows,' August 11, 1954. Reproduction from original drawing. Published in the Washington Post (35) )

from (see ) Nov.17, 2023 - (May 1, 1953) and see "Ten Ever-Lovin', Blue-Eyed Years with Pogo", p. 81, Simon and Schuster, 1959. [this image repeated in DefaultCatholic52.htm # pogo]

from Nov. 27, 2023 see (Alternating clusters of light and darkness show where civilization has carved out a place alongside and amidst the deserts.
Image of the Day for December 11, 2017
Instrument: ISS - Digital Camera
September 28, 2017 / "This photograph, taken from the International Space Station (ISS), shows the sweep of the coastline of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The cluster of lights at image center includes the major population centers of the Levant. The brightest lights are the cities of Tel Aviv in Israel, Amman in Jordan, and Beirut in Lebanon.
"Other light clusters include the Nile Delta in Egypt, and a nearby thin string of lights revealing the Suez Canal. The more scattered lights of the Turkish coastline and the country's mountainous interior arc from top left to top center.
"Populations are small in the deserts of the Middle East, so few lights appear in vast portions of Saudi Arabia (right), Syria (top center) and Iraq (top right). The largest population centers cluster where water is available, especially along the great rivers of the region, the Tigris and Euphrates. In Iraq, the capital city Baghdad stands as the brightest spot where these rivers meet.
"Images such as this also show the hints of conflict. In Syria, darkness now reigns along a 300-kilometer stretch where lights use to line the Euphrates River in the east of the country. This has left most of eastern Syria in the dark.
"Astronaut photograph ISS053-E-50422 was acquired on September 28, 2017, with a Nikon D4 digital camera using a 24 millimeter lens, and is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center. The image was taken by a member of the Expedition 53 crew. The image has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been removed. The International Space Station Program supports the laboratory as part of the ISS National Lab to help astronauts take pictures of Earth that will be of the greatest value to scientists and the public, and to make those images freely available on the Internet. Additional images taken by astronauts and cosmonauts can be viewed at the NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. Caption by Justin Wilkinson, Texas State University, JETS Contract at NASA-JSC.")

from,_segment_2.jpg Dec. 1, 2023 see (NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration - English: Portion of the Veil Nebula as photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. / Data Description: The Hubble image was created from HST data from proposals 5774 and 5779: J. Hester (Arizona State Universitry) and J. Westphal (Caltech). / Instrument: WFPC2 / Exposure Date(s): November 1994, August 1997 / Color: This image is a composite of many separate exposures made by the WFPC2 instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. Three filters were used to sample narrow wavelength ranges. The color results from assigning different hues (colors) to each monochromatic image. In this case, the assigned colors are: / F502N ([O III]) blue / F656N (Halpha) green / F673N ([S II]) red)

from December 2, 2023 "Security personnel survey the damage at Mindanao State University's gymnasium [Provincial Government of Lanao Del Sur/Facebook]"

from Dec. 2, 2023 "Provincial Government of Lanao Del Sur / Lanao Del Sur Governor Mamintal Adiong Jr. visits scene of explosion in Marawi City"

from Dec. 4, 2023 "Manilla, Philippines. Muslims pray as they gather in solidarity with victims of the attack."

from,+Lanao+del+Sur,+Philippines/@8.0041546,124.2957544,6710m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x32559173e462e30f:0x9befb54ef959f073!8m2!3d8.0106213!4d124.297718!16zL20vMDNrOWNi Google Maps (December 5, 2023)

from,124.2898142,3a,75y,63.61h,91.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-X8gNQJC0afNPVrno8L8hw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Google Maps, Marawi, Suklat Rd: near Mindanao State University - Lanao (August 2022) Google Maps Street View (December 5, 2023)

from Dec. 5, 2023 see The map of the Sultanate of Maguindanao in 1521. / 31 August 2023 / Original work by DeliriumMaps (Delirium333). The information was gathered from the following....

from,+Lanao+del+Sur,+Philippines/Cotabato+City,+Maguindanao,+Philippines/@7.7165611,123.6637588,9z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x32559173e462e30f:0x9befb54ef959f073!2m2!1d124.297718!2d8.0106213!1m5!1m1!1s0x32563bd81285f9a9:0xf13432b9d1b94753!2m2!1d124.2310439!2d7.2046668!3e0?entry=ttu Dec. 7, 2023 Marawi City - Cobato City, Philippines, Google Maps

from Dec. 12, 2023 see "...Webb's NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) view of Cas A displays this stellar explosion at a resolution previously unreachable at these wavelengths. This high-resolution look unveils intricate details of the expanding shell of material slamming into the gas shed by the star before it exploded...." "NASA's James Webb Space Telescope’s new view of Cassiopeia A (Cas A) in near-infrared light is giving astronomers hints at the dynamical processes occurring within the supernova remnant. Tiny clumps represented in bright pink and orange make up the supernova's inner shell, and are comprised of sulfur, oxygen, argon, and neon from the star itself. A large, striated blob at the bottom right corner of the image, nicknamed Baby Cas A, is one of the few light echoes visible NIRCam’s field of view. In this image, red, green, and blue were assigned to Webb’s NIRCam data at 4.4, 3.56, and 1.62 microns (F444W, F356W, and F162M, respectively).
NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, D. Milisavljevic (Purdue University), T. Temim (Princeton University), I. De Looze (University of Gent)"

from Dec. 12, 2023 see "This image better conveys what amateur telescopes will show of the nebula — a brighter northern arc and faint patches in the southern half of the shell. North is up, west to right. / Charles Betts / Adam Block / NOAO / AURA / NSF" sky chart "Cassiopeia A lies just off the end of the "W" asterism of Cassiopeia about 5° southwest of the star cluster NGC 7789. It culminates around 7 p.m. local time in early December. / Stellarium"

from BC December 9, 2023 Non Sequitur November 18, 2012

from Dec. 14, 2023 " Model for the Creation of a Fast-Evolving Luminous Transient
This illustration shows a proposed model for a mysterious astronomical event called a Fast-Evolving Luminous Transient (FELT). In the left panel, an aging red giant star loses mass via a stellar wind. This balloons into a huge gaseous shell around the star. In the center panel, the massive star’s core implodes to trigger a supernova explosion. In the right panel, the supernova shockwave plows into the outer shell, converting the kinetic energy from the explosion into a brilliant burst of light. The flash of radiation lasts for only a few days — one-tenth the duration of a typical supernova explosion.
NASA, ESA, A. Feild (STScI)"

from Dec. 14, 2023 see "This image provides a side-by-side comparison of supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A) as captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument).

At first glance, Webb’s NIRCam image appears less colorful than the MIRI image overall, however, this is only due to the wavelengths in which the material from the object is emitting its light. The NIRCam image appears a bit sharper than the MIRI image due to its increased resolution.

The outskirts of the main inner shell, which appeared as a deep orange and red in the MIRI image, looks like smoke from a campfire in the NIRCam image. This marks where the supernova blast wave is ramming into surrounding circumstellar material. The dust in the circumstellar material is too cool to be detected directly at near-infrared wavelengths, but lights up in the mid-infrared.

Also not seen in the near-infrared view is the loop of green light in the central cavity of Cas A that glowed in mid-infrared, nicknamed the Green Monster by the research team. The circular holes visible in the MIRI image within the Green Monster, however, are faintly outlined in white and purple emission in the NIRCam image.
Credits / Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Danny Milisavljevic (Purdue University), Ilse De Looze (UGent), Tea Temim (Princeton University)"

from Dec. 14, 2023 see Title page to De nova stella, in a facsimile reprint of the original 1573 edition (1901)

from Dec. 15, 2023 (detail, enhanced) 'HISTORICAL NOTES Records of supernovae from India'; Shylaja B; Current Science, Published by Current Science Association (April 2019) Figure 3 - uploaded by Shylaja B - The chart for SN 1572; notice the proximity to β Cas.

from Dec. 18, 2023 (C. S. Lewis: 'A Christmas Sermon for Pagans' December 23, 2022 - Breathe the blog of Crystal Kirgiss - ckirgiss) illustrations by

from Google News feed Dec. 18, 2023

from Dec. 20, 2023 "The Agrarian Landscape of the Anglo-Saxons: Farming in Early Medieval England" / Everyday Life in the Middle Ages, Medieval Times / By Anastasiia

from Dec. 21, 2023 see and James Tissot's 'The Angel and the Shepherds', 'L'ange et les bergers'. (between 1886 and 1894)

from Dec. 21, 2023 - Celestial Beings, Jonas Pfeiffer - Hamburg, Germany - Published: September 7th 2022 - on Behance

Dec. 23, 2023 (Dec. 24 UTC) lille julaften ;) and 4th Sunday of Advent

from Dec. 25, 2023 (MN DNR: "Historical Chances of a 'White Christmas'"

from'Onofrio,+00165+Roma+RM,+Italy/@41.9012209,12.45467,315m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x132f6065f7f60b69:0xa73646509bfaa569!2sTeutonic+Cemetery!8m2!3d41.9012209!4d12.45467!16s%2Fm%2F0lq6tkg!3m5!1s0x132f60429b078501:0x4109c273a5c1cfa2!8m2!3d41.8991435!4d12.4615696!16s%2Fg%2F11cpgq9cmz?entry=ttu see'Onofrio,+00165+Roma+RM,+Italy/@41.9012209,12.45467,315m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x132f6065f7f60b69:0xa73646509bfaa569!2sTeutonic+Cemetery!8m2!3d41.9012209!4d12.45467!16s%2Fm%2F0lq6tkg!3m5!1s0x132f60429b078501:0x4109c273a5c1cfa2!8m2!3d41.8991435!4d12.4615696!16s%2Fg%2F11cpgq9cmz Dec. 26, 2023 imagery 2023 Airbus, Maxar Technologies

from'Onofrio,+00165+Roma+RM,+Italy/@41.9012209,12.45467,315m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x132f6065f7f60b69:0xa73646509bfaa569!2sTeutonic+Cemetery!8m2!3d41.9012209!4d12.45467!16s%2Fm%2F0lq6tkg!3m5!1s0x132f60429b078501:0x4109c273a5c1cfa2!8m2!3d41.8991435!4d12.4615696!16s%2Fg%2F11cpgq9cmz?entry=ttu see'Onofrio,+00165+Roma+RM,+Italy/@41.9012209,12.45467,315m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x132f6065f7f60b69:0xa73646509bfaa569!2sTeutonic+Cemetery!8m2!3d41.9012209!4d12.45467!16s%2Fm%2F0lq6tkg!3m5!1s0x132f60429b078501:0x4109c273a5c1cfa2!8m2!3d41.8991435!4d12.4615696!16s%2Fg%2F11cpgq9cmz Dec. 26, 2023

from Dec. 27, 2023 Vatican News video Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Dec. 15, 2023

from Dec. 27, 2023 "Image from Google Earth - View Large Image 3000 x 655" / "The Passetto (small passage) is the corridor atop the old Vatican wall between St. Peter's and the Castel Sant' Angelo. This 800m long passageway is also known as the Passetto di Borgo (the district where it's located), or in earlier times, the Corridore di Borgo. During the Sack of Rome in 1527, it was used by Pope Clement VII to escape to the Castel Sant' Angelo."

from Dec. 27, 2023 see English: Map of the Vatican City (English version) 23 March 2013 Own work Thoroe "This work contains information from OpenStreetMap, which is made available under the Open Database License (ODbL)."

from,12.4582233,3a,75y,287.14h,91.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sP0oEPYmvzyoc7E9sWQVn6A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu Dec. 27, 2023 see,12.4582233,3a,75y,287.14h,91.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sP0oEPYmvzyoc7E9sWQVn6A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 image capture September 2015 (3 Piazza Papa Pio XII)

from Dec. 28, 2023 see Jost de Negker's 'Das hailig römisch reich mit sampt seinen gelidern' 'The Holy Roman Empire including its members' (1510) watercolor over woodcut print on paper

from Dec. 29, 2023 see "The Disputation of the Holy Sacrament (Raphael 1509-1510) depicts theologians debating, with Pope Gregory I and Jerome on the left, and Augustine and Ambrose on the right, Pope Julius II, Pope Sixtus IV, Savonarola and Dante Alighieri" between 1509 and 1510

from Jan. 2, 2024 "NASA Volunteer Arttu Sainio saw the star Asassn-21qj brightening, possibly due to crashing planets. Credit: Dan Caselden, NASA" "Amateur Astronomers Help Discover Cosmic Crash" Dec 08, 2023

from Jan. 2, 2024 see "The constellation of Argo Navis from 'Firmamentum Sobiescianum, sive Uranographia' by Johannes Hevelius. / The view is mirrored following the tradition of celestial globes, showing the celestial sphere in a view from 'outside' " 1690 (Source: Atlas Coelestis. Johannes Hevelius drew the constellation in Firmamentum Sobiescianum, sive Uranographia, his celestial catalogue in 1690.) see

from Jan. 2, 2024 "Sketch of the hypothesis for the observations seen towards ASASSN-21qj At t = 0, the collision occurs, producing a cloud of debris that expands and cools. Material close to the remnant is heated by its luminosity, generating the 1,000 K infrared emission. Around 1,000 days later, the expanding cloud crosses the line of sight between the star and the Earth, generating the optical light curve."

from Jan. 2, 2024 "Simulations of the formation of a post-impact body Giant impacts between super-Earths and mini-Neptunes can produce post-impact bodies hundreds of Earth radii across, comparable with that required to produce the observed infrared flux. With the exception of the lower-right panel, particles are coloured by their material (forsterite, water or a H2–He mixture moving outwards in the initial bodies) and whether they came from the impactor or target (see top-left panel). The final two panels show just the mass bound to the primary remnant, which has a mass of 48.4 MEarth. In the final panel, particles that are at the minimum density imposed by the code are coloured in green."

from Jan. 2, 2024 "Optical and infrared photometry of ASASSN-21qj a, Normalized optical photometry from ASAS-SN in the V-band and the g′-band. b, Fractional flux increase in brightness of ASASSN-21qj in both the W1 and W2 bands, for which a value of 1.0 represents the stellar contribution alone. c, Calculated NEOWISE colour temperature estimated from the photometry of the two bands. The colour temperature is plotted as zero when there is no infrared excess and is consistent with a temperature of 1,000 K while the excess is present. Error bars are shown at 1σ confidence."
ABOVE THREE: Figure - available from: Nature - This content is subject to copyright. Terms and conditions apply.
A planetary collision afterglow and transit of the resultant debris cloud
October 2023 Nature 622(7982):251-254
Matthew Kenworthy
Simon Lock
Grant Kennedy
Richelle van Capelleveen

From Jan. 2, 2024 see (I added red circle, showing approx. position of ASASSN-21qj / 2MASS J08152329-3859234, with data from (and converter: )

from Jan. 2, 2024

from Jan. 8, 2024 A comparison of T. rex and Nanotyrannus lancensis skulls. Nick Longrich

from Jan. 8, 2024 The skull Gilmore described as "Gorgosaurus lancensis" From Gilmore, 1946

from Jan. 8, 2024 see Author
Charles Robert Knight (1874–1953) wikidata:Q725877 s:en:Author:Charles Robert Knight
Tyrannosaurus in outdated posture
Date 1919

from Jan. 8, 2024 see Promotional photo of a Tyrannosaurus battling King Kong (1933)

from Jan. 29, 2023 see First restoration of a Tyrannosaurus (holotype CM 9380) skeleton ever published. ( 1905) William D. Matthew (Skeletal restoration by William D. Matthew from 1905, published alongside Osborn's description paper)

from see Skull of Tyrannosaurus rex. From the US Department of the Interior (1900s)

headlines for nanotyrannus topic - news feed ca. 9:50 p.m. Jan. 10, 2024

from Jan. 11, 2024 ("Taxonomic status of Nanotyrannus lancensis (Dinosauria: Tyrannosauroidea) — a distinct taxon of small-bodied tyrannosaur"; Nicholas R. Longrich, Evan T. Saitta; Fossil Studies (Submission received: 4 November 2023 / Revised: 18 December 2023 / Accepted: 21 December 2023 / Published: 3 January 2024) via MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute))

from (left) (Map of North America with the Western Interior Seaway during the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous). Paleogeography of North America during the late Campanian Stage of the Late Cretaceous (∼75 Ma). Modified after Blakey.
18 May 2010
Author Scott D. Sampson, Mark A. Loewen, Andrew A. Farke, Eric M. Roberts, Catherine A. Forster, Joshua A. Smith, Alan L. Titus)and (right) (Detailed map showing North America and remains of the Western Interior Seaway 65 million years ago, at the late Maastrichtian (end of the Cretaceous), around the time of the Chicxulub Impact. Maps created by Ron Blakely, Colorado Plateau Geosystems, published and stated to be copyright T.A. Gates et al in their paper "Mountain Building Triggered Late Cretaceous North American Megaherbivore Dinosaur Radiation" (2012).
(Ron Blakely, Colorado Plateau Geosystems is credited for the maps, in the paper, and Terry A. Gates et al are stated to be the copyright holders for the paper and its contents))

from Jan. 12, 2024 "Figure 1: Western Interior Seaway paleogeographic map of the late Maastrichtian. Red star indicates study area. Copyright 2013 Colorado Plateau Geosystems, used with permission."

from "Figure 27. Age-independent growth curves for a large, old Tyrannosaurus, Sue FMNH PR 2081 (red, circles), and two Nanotyrannus, Petey BMRP 2006.4.4 (green, triangles) and Jane BMRP 2002.4.1 (dark blue, squares), corrected for split multi-LAGs as in Cullen et al. [49]. LAG #1 and the periosteum are not included in the regressions shown here. Four different growth models are fit to each specimen: logistic (solid), Gompertz (dashed), logarithmic (dotted), and von Bertalanffy (dot—dash). Horizontal black lines are asymptotic masses derived from logistic regressions of multiple individuals (i.e., multiple specimens used in the regression, with each specimen assigned a single mass and age at death) from Longrich et al. (in review) and are presented in decreasing order as follows: Tyrannosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Albertosaurus. Results are similar to those deriving from regressions that include LAG #1 and the periosteum (Supplemental Material)."

from January 13, 2024 (conditions at 3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time 2100 UTC)

from January 13, 2024 3:48 p.m.

Utopia/Dystopia collage. Clockwise from upper left: "The Shape of Things to Come", "Metropolis", "Judge Dredd", and "Across the Park" (by Jadrien C.). The latter - see

from Amazon Prime December 12, 2018

from January 16, 2024 see Punch October 15 1924

collage from news feed, BBC News January 17, 2024

from Jan. 18, 2024

from Jan. 18, 2024 "Looking to a brighter future? (Credit: Getty Images)"

Jan. 18, 2024

from January 20, 2024 (by same artist, artist: True Williams (1839–1897) and see )

from Jan. 23, 2024 OCE Rare Cancers Program / Promoting development of new drug and biological products to treat patients with rare cancers (Home > About FDA > FDA Organization > Oncology Center of Excellence > OCE Rare Cancers Program )

from Jan. 23, 2024 National Cancer Institute

from,_Death_Loves_a_Shining_Mark.jpg Jan. 23, 2024 see

from Jan. 23, 2024 see "Description English: Positron_emission_tomography. This image was originally made by Damato. I trimmed some empty space and used bigger text so that it will be able to be read when used in articles without having to click on the image. I give all credit to Damato since he did all of the work, and I am releasing the image to the public domain like he did with the original image.
Date 19 February 2007
Source made from public domain work
Author Kjkolb"

from Jan. 23, 2024

from Jan. 24, 2024